My IPs are all blocked…

Issue #305 resolved
Former user created an issue


for some reasons every IP I am using is blocked by some big mail providers like Running a test on services like gives me a 10/10 result. I've configured everything as recommended and most providers accept my mails without any problems.

I recently upgraded to PRO just to be able to use some extended features like DNS checks and so on… Asking the support team of didn't lead to success.


So I decided to use a Smart Host where I can confirm that I am able to receive mails by using this relay with an alternative SMTP mail program. Unfortunately when I use the relay with PRO I still get this error. The mail is being sent by the relay successfully when I watch the delivery logs at but unfortunately Haraka is also sending my original IP in the Received From headers wich leads that iCloud is again blocking my mails.

Is there any way to avoid this or to completely hide my original IP when using a Smart Host?

Thank you very much!

Comments (7)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    I would suggest to start by using mxtoolbox Blacklists ( to check what RBLs have your IP (or IPs) listed. You can then determine why and request the IP be delisted. Each service has its own delisting process.

    Additionally, you can also use rbltracker ( and/or RBLmon ( to check your IP (or IPs) as these have a few RBL services that mxtoolbox does not.

    The big RBLs are barracuda and SPAMhause. Getting your IP (or IPs) delisted from these will help your reputation significantly.

  2. Foddy

    I can confirm this issue. Some mail providers like strict check the "Received" headers. They totally ignore if you have a clean IP and correctly configured SPF and DKIM.

    All you need to do is to modify your Haraka outbound config.

    Simply create a new folder in your data volume: _override/opt/haraka-smtp/config & _override/opt/haraka-submission/config

    and create a new file in these folders named: "outbound.ini"

    Put the contents below:

    ; see
    ; disabled (default: false)
    ; concurrency_max (default: 100)
    ; concurrency_max=100
    ; uncomment to disable tls for outbound mail
    ; enable_tls=false
    ; maxTempFailures (default: 13)
    ; ipv6_enabled (default: false)
    ; load_pid_queue
    ; flush_queue
    ; always_split: default: false
    ; always_split=true
    ; received_header (default: "Haraka outbound")
    ; pool_timeout: default : 300
    ; pool_timeout=0
    ; pool_concurrency_max: default: 10
    ; set to zero to disable pools
    ; pool_concurrency_max=0

    Uncomment "received_header" and type in your email domain. I first tried it with a company name but iCloud rejected all those mails including the mails with "Haraka outbound" in the received header. The safer (working) way is to type in your hostname. After updating this config restart/upgrade your container and you should be able to send mails to again.

  3. Scott MacDonald

    That value should be set from the system settings.. mailserver hostname. Do either of you have it configured to a proper DNS host? If so then this is definately a bug as the mailserver should correctly identify itself on all inbound and outbound connections.

  4. Foddy

    Hi Scott,

    yes, I set the hostname both when creating the container and in the PRO settings. Unfortunately, this has no effect on the haraka outbound settings file.

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