Cron Job Error - likely an issue from upgrading from v1.x to v2.x

Issue #316 resolved
Scott MacDonald created an issue

Each morning I am greeted with an email identifying the following issue:

/etc/cron.daily/legacy-clean-delivery-logs: find: '/data/log/delivery./': No such file or directory

Comments (3)

  1. Alexander

    I have a smiliar issue: Purging old messages from Junk and Trash does not work: Messages are not purged

  2. Scott MacDonald reporter

    The emails from .Junk and .Trash are older than the 30 (days) indicated by the interval? If so, then I'm not sure if the process (cron job) runs once every 30 days or whether it runs nightly to remove anything older than 30 days?!?

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