Spam user is created on fly.

Issue #359 resolved
Artur Barczynski created an issue

I am trying to understand how training is working for spam filter and one of possibilities that i used was to send spam mail to spam@domain address. I got back message that user don't exists. But when I checked admin client I see that this user is on the list. When I am trying to click on it the error page is showing.

I am attaching screen shots.

I can't not find any documentation about how to learn spam filter, can you explain it.

Comments (6)

  1. SH repo owner

    Do you have domain-bin enabled?

    Spam learning is done with moving messages to Spam(Junk) folder.

  2. Artur Barczynski reporter

    Today, stats is showing without it. Skjermbilde_05.JPG

    No, two domains and none has it. Btw, ok with moving. But if I am getting mail mark as spam but it is not. Is that enough to remove form spam folder?

  3. SH repo owner

    Yup both events - moving in or out - are noticed to rspamd.

    dmarc-reports@... is ok, it will not be rejected. It is special address for saving dmarc reports. "spam@..." is not, it should be rejected when sending and not counted.

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