Easy Fixes

Issue #378 resolved
Scott MacDonald created an issue

I wanted to again say "Job well done!" Poste.io mailserver is a great product, easy to manage and simple to deploy using docker.

I have quite enjoyed collaborating with you to improve the WebUI with wording and terminology corrections. As I continue to work with Poste.io on a daily basis running a mailserver I have taken notes on a few more wording changes to better capture and convey the meaning of settings or actions within Poste.io.

Here they are:

1) The first is Email redirects, referred to in Poste.io as "redirection". However, the proper term for the two sections shown below should be "redirect" thereby dropping the "ion".

CaptureA.PNG CaptureB.PNG

2) Second, when editing the settings for a virtual domain, the option for Forward domain only could be changed to Enabled Forwarder (the proper term is Domain Forwarder, but since we are looking at the settings for a Domain already):


The same goes for viewing the settings for a domain: changing "Forwarding" to Forwarder:


3) The last one deals with editing settings for an Email.. Specifically, the options for "Disabled" and "Disabled 'strict' from check". The one thing which confuses everyone seems to be "tense - past, present and future". When editing settings, meaning you are doing it right now - this is present and therefore you should drop the "ed" from the word as it implies "past tense". See below:


In addition to dropping the "ed" from both Disableds, I'm also suggesting adding the word "Email" after the first Disable to help clarify what that setting does.

Finally, please keep up the fantastic work. Great job!

Comments (2)

  1. Scott MacDonald reporter

    For the domain bin (catch-all):


    Change wording to be:

    Domain bin (accept mail for non-existent recipients to target email)


    drop the word "address" in Target email address - as you don't use it anywhere else (Poste.io references as email address as just an email).

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