Spelling corrections, keeping "terminology" aligned throughout the WebUI

Issue #392 resolved
Scott MacDonald created an issue

I cannot say enough about Poste.io, it is an absolutely fantastic product, easy to use, and very nice to look at -- an all around great job and well deserved pat on the back to S.H.

As I've gone through the latest version, things are looking very good on the webUI -- so much so that I've had to really dig to uncover any issues with the webUI function or display (spelling, wording used, etc...) I suspect, for what makes up the core of Poste.io that this should be the last of them. After which it should only be any new features added were I can contribute any suggestions on wording or spelling.

With that, here we go: CaptureA.PNG

for "Wasteful connections blocking" as a title, I would maybe suggest "Connection blocking" instead - as it (in itself) suggests the attempted connections are wasteful anyway.

Additionally, as underlined in the image above, the correct spelling is "threshold".



I know we've been back and forth on this one for sometime. However, in this case the wording should be "Expiration". As you want to SET an expiration date. In places where you are listing/showing such dates, the heading (as you know) would be Expires.



In this case, where I've underlined the word should be "alert".



As indicated above, remove the word "email" as it is implied.



The sentence, which includes a spelling mistake: "These options apply only for authenticated uses and relay networks." should be worded as "These options only apply to authenticated users and relay networks."

Additionally, the last checkbox - as circled in the image above should read:

Set last "Received:" header to localhost. If not selected, your IP address will be visible to the recipient.



The sentence that reads:

"Change to your own verified certificate. Note: You can always set certificates by changing them manualy in data dir if web interface is not available."

should be worded as:

"Select a valid TLS certificate. Note: You can also set certificates manually within the data directory when the web interface is unavailable.

Additionally, the last line in blue that reads:

"You need disable Let's encrypt service first."

should be worded as:

"You must disable the Let's encrypt service first."



This next one might be "nitpicking", but there isn't any reason to use a short form when there is room to use the actual word.

"Minimum" instead of "Min."



This last one is more of an alignment of terms, you've been using TLS rather than SSL and as underlined in the image above the reference should be updated to TLS.


And there you have it... as I noted, some of these are nitpicking but Poste.io has grown so much so that ensuring a professional and polished webUI is important.

Great work and thank you for listening!

Comments (4)

  1. SH repo owner

    I should admit that my english is not as good as I've always thought. Thank you Scott for your awesome work!

  2. Scott MacDonald reporter

    English is difficult to learn, especially when it regularly breaks its own rules. Take for example, the word goose for which the plural (more than one) is geese. So in a sentence -- I saw a goose on the pond. I saw the geese flying overhead. Makes sense right!

    So let's move on to the word moose.. seems simply enough, I saw a moose in the forest. I saw the meese in the water... nope, the plural for moose is moose. Confused yet?

    That's just the tip of it... it only gets more confusing - so don't worry.

    Take care! :)

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