WARNING: Too many API connections.

Issue #397 resolved
EmilionDK created an issue

Hey after a fresh installation poste, when I launch the docker I get a flood of

[!] WARNING: Too many API connections (use -S to adjust).

I can not see any documentation on the -S command?

Comments (6)

  1. SH repo owner

    If this is the case you can workaround with restricting cores available to image with like docker run --cpuset-cpus="0-3" ...

  2. EmilionDK reporter

    Hey again. :)

    I have tried, --cpuset-cpus="0-3" and --cpuset-cpus=20,21,22 and --cpuset-cpus=1 -m="30G" --memory-swap="60G" --memory-reservation="10G"

    but there is still the [!] WARNING: Too many API connections (use -S to adjust)

  3. SH repo owner

    I tought docker cpus limit will "fix" cpus count at node but it doesn't. I will fix that because It doesn't make sense to spawn number of threads same as cpu count in your case anyway...

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