After deleting domain: Mail to domain still tried to be delivered locally

Issue #408 resolved
Alexander created an issue

I have deleted some domains. Their mx entries point to another mailserver. Still, I i want to send an email to a user for that domain, still tries to deliver the mail locally. ignored the fact, that the domain is not a domain anymore.

Using 2.0.11 PRO

Comments (6)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    how long have the DNS changes to the MX records been made? It is possible that the DNS resolver used by your VM on which your docker container for runs hasn't yet been updated and had cached the records which point to your mail server.

  2. Alexander reporter

    yes, that's the first thing I did: executing "host -t mx" from the docker container shell points to the new mailserver, so that's not the issue.

  3. Alexander reporter

    Update to the issue: Only emails being sent via port 587 (submission) are tried to be delivered locally. Mails sent to another local domain address that are forwarded to the locally deleted domain (port 25) are delivered correctly to the new mailserver.

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