Unable to whitelist a IPv6 Address

Issue #411 resolved
Roshan Jonah created an issue

I tried whitelisting a IPv6 Address but I am unable to. It doesn't work. I can't retrieve mail because I have number of mailboxes configured on my desktop and it blocks so many connections at once. It only works with IPv4 addresses.

Comments (6)

  1. Roshan Jonah reporter

    This is not to whitelist IPv6 address from the server. It is my own ISP for my local computer which uses IPv6 Address. I try whitelisting to enable it to connect multiple times but it doesn't work. It only works when I connect to a VPN and get an IPv4 address.

  2. Scott MacDonald

    So you are attempting to whitelist the poste.io server's IPv6 address with your ISP because the ISP blocks multiple connection attempts to your poste.io server otherwise?

  3. Roshan Jonah reporter

    I am trying to add my local computer's public IP address to poste.io Whitelisting because my local computer makes lots of connections. I have about 30-40 accounts configured so it makes lots of connections and without whitelisting - my local IP address gets banned so I don't receive any email. Poste.IO blocks the connections from my local computer public IP.

    And sometimes my local computer Public IP address is a IPv6 so it doesn't work when I try to whitelist a IPv6 address. It only works when I try to whitelist a IPv4 address.

  4. SH repo owner

    Yep IPv6 is somewhat flawed and been working on.

    Why are you using whitelist anyway? You should authenticate to your SMTP at submission port 587, there is no blocking.

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