Why not Sogo instead of Roundcube?

Issue #420 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Hi mate, nice project you got there! Is there a reason to use roundcube instead of Sogo?

Regards, Tom

Comments (6)

  1. Aaron

    I imagine it's because Roundcube uses less memory, has more features and has the possibility of expanding said features even further through the use of plugins.

  2. SB

    Does this update not render the "which webmail" issues null, as now the choice is ours?

    fix #563 remove /webmail/ if -e DISABLE_ROUNDCUBE=true

  3. Scott MacDonald

    Suggest maybe not providing any webmail UI and allow folks to configure a docker webmail UI of their choosing.

  4. Robert Obermeier

    well same could be said with any other part of poste, too.

    To be completely honest the container is one of those multi service containers that somehow exist. I’d rather have a compose file constructing a multi service application consisting of multiple containers than the first approach.

    • Database Server
    • Web mail interface
    • SpamAssassin
    • ClamAV
    • Management web interface
    • Dovecot or Mailserver components
    • optional: Reverse Proxy (and php-fpm instances for roundcube and the admin interfaces)

    You can go crazy with splitting this up as much as you want. Down to single service containers that together create a set of services that provide the poste mail server suite / application.

    That setup would allow users to replace any of the services with their own (obviously without official support from poste). And maybe even split the service between multiple servers.

    For something simple like a mail server that might be too much though.

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