Quota Usage reporting incorrectly

Issue #431 resolved
SB created an issue

If you set a quota on an email account, it reports how much space is being used. However, if you remove the quota it displays 0 bytes / messages used.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    I believe SH programmed it to ignore (not calculate) the # of files and their cumulative size where no quota was specified - This isn't so much as a reporting error as it was a programming decision point. I, however, would agree -- the reporting of # of files and their cumulative size would be beneficial regardless of whether a quota has been set or not. As seeing how much space "unlimited" mailboxes are consuming is just as important as knowing how close a mailbox is to reaching its quota.

  2. SH repo owner

    Actualy it should work anytime. It seems that it is Dovecot thing which requires recalculating storage when disabling quota.

  3. SB reporter

    So maybe on larger mailboxes this takes some time, so when I go straight back to the list it is still calculating.

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