Request: Empty mailbox

Issue #434 resolved
SB created an issue

Is it possible to add a button on the mailbox details page (/admin/box/<emailaddress>) which will empty the mailbox? Sometimes we just need to clear a mailbox without actually deleting it and making a new one.

Comments (5)

  1. SB reporter

    I also just found out, if you delete a mailbox, it doesnt delete the files behind it. I made a new mailbox with the same name, and it remembered all the files which were there. This could cause problems from a security point of view!

  2. Scott MacDonald

    What version are you running? I've deleted a mailbox and it appears to have correctly removed the folder/files. I've not attempted to create a new mailbox with the same name as yet.

  3. SB reporter

    Version 2.0.15 PRO. Doe's it take a little time to remove? or maybe the Mailserver needs restarting? Using SSH the data appears to be maintained, but I will run some further tests.

  4. SB reporter

    I have noticed there is a short delay (~2 minutes on small mailboxes) between removing a mailbox and it disappearing from the system. I would say this is not an issue, but my original request still stands!

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