Cosmetic / Grammar - Mailbox Full Email

Issue #435 closed
SB created an issue


I really like the look of the mailbox quota email, although the current email does not come across as professional and appears to have some issues with it's content.

Also, the email appears to come from monkey@<primary-domain>... is it possible to change this address as in the UK this can be used as a racist term and we would not be comfortable having this sending to clients. Maybe support@<primary-domain> ? or even the 'send alerts ' email address in the server settings?

Possibly allow the from address to be configured?

Or even better allow the message which is sent to be configurable too? In it's current standing we will not be able to use the quotas if this is the message which is sent out to clients.

--- Content Issues ---

"Hello, there" … this should be a capital T on 'There' as it is a new line

"there is not enough space for another emails." … is grammatically incorrectly - perhaps "Your mailbox has reached its capacity." ?

"Mail server will stop receiving emails for you unless some space will be freed" … reads incorrectly too - perhaps "The Mailserver will reject new emails until some space is freed."

Comments (4)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Might I even suggest providing the ability to configure or perhaps edit the quota exceeded email.

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