Low free space alert && Translation not found

Issue #461 resolved
Former user created an issue

Every morning I get two Notification E-Mails from the server: The first one is the low space alert. But having more than 400GB of free space this message is a bit annoying. So please use a absolute user definable value for low space check. And right after the alert I get another mail

06:25:06 WARNING   [translation] Translation not found. ["id" => "email.regards","domain" => "messages","locale" => "en"] []

The container is running image a964b1098fc1.

The first mail is annoying and could be enhanced. The second one is a bug which should be fixed.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    That second error is curious.. it seems to be having issues with "en" which should be English and i dont receive any warning email.

    You are using v2.0.18? Free or PRO?

    Finally just out of curiosity, you mentioned 400GB free disk space but is that equal to or less than 10% of the total disk space?

  2. Stefan

    Hi Scott,

    I'm using Version 2.0.18 FREE with the image Id mentioned above (9 days old). The data folder is on a 8TB raid volume (with the 400GB this is at 5% free space). Is there an easy way to debug the translation problem? But if the free space alert is "fixed" and I don't get the warning any more I don't care about the translation problem.

  3. Scott MacDonald

    So the issue likely resides in the calculation for free space or that it was never accounted for someone to have an 8TB volume. :)

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