Sieve Filter 32 action limit

Issue #471 resolved
S B created an issue

(Request has been changed since posting)

Please add the two max_sieve values as an option in the admin control panel

Original issue

If you create a 'redirect (alias) mailbox' and have multiple recipients (for example 25) it does NOT deliver to them all consistently.

However, setting up a 'normal mailbox' and using 'Send a copy email...' and adding the 25 recipients there DOES work.

Comments (16)

  1. SH repo owner

    What do you mean by "NOT deliver to them all consistently". I've observed that batch is devided to batches with 20 emails and second batch is delivered minutes after first

  2. S B reporter

    After much further testing it appears this is limited to 32 addresses for redirection.

    If you send a "copy" to 33 the email fails to deliver

    If you send to 32 or less it delivers

    Is this a built in limitation? and is there a way around it for clients with a larger amount of mailboxes?

  3. S B reporter
    # copy filter
    require ["copy"];
    if true
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
          redirect :copy "";
  4. Scott MacDonald

    It could also be sieve_max_redirects. Either way, these should be found in the dovecot conf.d folder/directory.

  5. S B reporter

    Thank you Scott, I will give this a go today! Hopefully it can be a configurable option in the admin interface but for now if this works that will be fine.

  6. S B reporter

    Scott, thank you this worked perfectly.

    If anyone else needs this, here is how:

    ## Access the file system of running container
    docker exec -it <container-name> bash
    ## Edit SIEVE config
    nano /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf
    # EDITS
    sieve_max_actions = 100     #was 32 and commented out
    sieve_max_redirects = 100   #was 40
    # Save File
    Ctrl+X (Exit)
    Y (Save - Yes)
    Enter (Confirm)
  7. S B reporter

    S H - Please may I request this is added as a configurable option in the administration area when you have time?


  8. Scott MacDonald

    Excellent... you likely already know, but just as a reminder those changes won't persist through container creates. For example: performing a version upgrade.

    Curious, it would seem the actions setting trumps the redirect setting as you should have seen 40 successful redirects.

  9. S B reporter

    Thank you, I had a suspicion this would be the case.

    You are correct with the priority, it seems to be this way on my (many!) tests.

    Curiously, although you would expect 32 to deliver, and the rest not to deliver, it looks like it doesn't process the sieve filter at all if it goes over this action count/amount (and I assume the same for redirect). So if you have max 32 and a sieve filter with 33 it doesn't run at all.

    Set to 100 just to be certain it works :)

  10. S B reporter

    SH - It might also be worth limiting the sieve filters 'Add another recipient' to the current configured maximum (for Copy + Redirect mail sieve pages), as currently you can add more than 32 on the admin panel.

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