Admin email keeps getting failed errors from freshclam

Issue #515 resolved
Greg created an issue

Running latest version 2.0.20, my admin email keeps getting an email with:

Subject: Cron root@mail /bin/freshclam


Freshclam exited with 50 exit code, trying to remove mirrors.dat and start freshclam again. Please see /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log if it fails again. Sun Nov 25 14:17:01 2018 -> !Can't change dir to /data/var/clamav

Every hour. :-\

Comments (6)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Hi.. have you attempted removing the container and recreating it (keeping your data intact, or course) ??

  2. Greg reporter

    Well, I think I did. As a workaround I've deleted the file /etc/cron.d/freshclam in my custom Dockerfile. That seems to have fixed it.

    Kind hackish? But OTOH I've disabled ClamAV anyway so it doesn't matter.

    Of course if there's a better way to fix this I'd love to know. :)

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