Rspamd not saving updates to rules

Issue #518 resolved
Greg created an issue

Using latest 2.0.20 version, I go to "Symbols" page in and try to update the value for MULTIPLE_UNIQUE_HEADERS from 7 to 3.

After a few seconds after I click "Save" I get a red notification error saying:

local > Save symbols error: timeout

It seems I can't update the rule scores. :-\

Comments (7)

  1. SB

    Could this be timeout in connection to redis? Low resources (memory)? Maybe restart container and let it load into memory, then try again?

  2. Greg reporter

    Redis appears to be running and the redis stats show up in the admin UI.

    I do not think this has anything to do with low resources, as the container has more than enough memory and disk space.

    Here is my relevant section from the docker-compose.yml:

        build: ./services/poste
        restart: unless-stopped
        hostname: $POSTE_HOSTNAME
          - NET_BIND_SERVICE
          - CHOWN
          - SETGID
          - SETUID
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:25:25"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:80:80"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:443:443"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:465:465"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:587:587"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:993:993"
          - "${POSTE_LISTEN_IP}:995:995"
          - secondary_network
          driver: fluentd
            tag: "{{.Name}}.log"
          - POSTE_LISTEN_IP
          - ./cache/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
          - ./vol/poste:/data:Z

    The Dockerfile is nothing special:

    FROM analogic/
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y less && rm /etc/cron.d/freshclam
    COPY configs/overrides/ /

    The only override is a minor change to file

    #!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
    rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default 2> /dev/null
    if [ "$HTTPS" == "OFF" ]; then
        cp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.templates/no-https /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/administration
        echo -e "\t\t\033[1;33m* setting NGiNX to run without TLS certificate\033[0m"
        cp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.templates/https /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/administration
        echo -e "\t\t\033[1;33m* setting NGiNX to run with TLS certificate\033[0m"
    sed -i "s/__HTTP_PORT__/$HTTP_PORT/g" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/administration
    sed -i "s/__HTTPS_PORT__/$HTTPS_PORT/g" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/administration
    if [ -n "$POSTE_LISTEN_IP" ]; then
      sed -i "s/;public_ip=N.N.N.N/public_ip=$POSTE_LISTEN_IP/g" /opt/haraka-submission/config/smtp.ini
    if [ "$APP_ENV" == "dev" ]; then
        cp /etc/dev/admin.conf /etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/admin.conf
        cp /etc/dev/administration /etc/nginx/administration

    The host machine is running Fedora.

  3. SB

    Have you made any other changes to RSPAMD, other than MULTIPLE_UNIQUE_HEADERS?

    Does this occur if you try to change other options?

    Can you save the 'Configuration' page/tab in RSPAMD?

    Have you selected the correct server to edit (if more than one option in the dropdown) ?

    Are you able to open the configuration file and check it is displaying the line as it should?

  4. Greg reporter

    Have you made any other changes to RSPAMD, other than MULTIPLE_UNIQUE_HEADERS?


    Does this occur if you try to change other options? Can you save the 'Configuration' page/tab in RSPAMD?

    Nope, that's broken too.

    Have you selected the correct server to edit (if more than one option in the dropdown) ?


    Are you able to open the configuration file and check it is displaying the line as it should?


    Also, I don't know if this is normal, but after restarting the container all of RSPAMD's stats are reset to 0. Meaning it says "0 scanned, 0 greylist, ... 0 learned", etc.

    I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be or if this is an indication that it's not able to save anything at all, which would be a very serious bug.

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