Connections realtime not working anymore in 2.0.20 pro

Issue #522 resolved
Alexander created an issue

I have updated to 2.0.20 pro and since then, realtime connections are not working anymore. When I check the browser console, i see: (index):431 WebSocket connection to 'wss://xxx.xxxxx.xx/admin/ws' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 500

Comments (11)

  1. SH repo owner

    Can you please look into data/log/admin-app/prod.log? There should be info about error - I suspect that you have something different in your setup due upgrades/settings and thats why I can't replicate that. I'm almost sure it is same issue as #525

  2. Alexander reporter

    I suspect that too ... What's very strange, the latest Enty in the prod.log is from yesterday: [2018-11-28 22:58:44] security.DEBUG: Stored the security token .... Since then, it does not update the prod.log file anymore- i have already restarted the container, but it makes no difference

  3. Alexander reporter

    What came to my mind. Since 2.0.20 pro, I changed running in docker bridge mode using the env variables HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT that were introduced in 2.0.19 - I use them to set them to other ports so they don't conflict with port 80 and 443 that are already in use on the host system. On the host, I use a nginx reverse proxy to make the web part of poste available on port 443. I wonder if this causes the issue as the possibility to set the HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT variables is a relatively new feature.

  4. SH repo owner

    Jackpot. These two services are internaly redirect WITH subrequest to authorization - and this authorization is on different port with your setup.

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