Redirect and Out of Office not sending

Issue #544 resolved
SB created an issue

If you have a forwarding account, say ex-staff-member@ … which forwards to new-staff-member@ … and there is an out of office on the new-staff-member@ mailbox, it does not send the out of office message when you email ex-staff-member@

Comments (11)

  1. SB reporter

    This worked for me - Thank you for the information.

    :addresses ["1st.alias at domain", "2nd.alias at domain"]

  2. SB reporter

    Would it be a lot of work to update this on the admin area when setting the out of office?

    For example, you could loop through all email accounts for a domain where "redirect_to": ["this-email@domain"] = true? and just add in one extra line to the sieve filter?

    :address ["$1","$2","$3"] ?

    or maybe it would even work with this, and it could be added in by default to cover all scenarios with no extra coding? but i'm not sure:

    :addresses ["*"]

  3. SB reporter

    I agree the Vacation/OOO is not intuitive at all, which seems the case for many linux based systems we have seen - sieve filters confuse users so much it's not worth the hassle.

    I don't know much on how dovecot works, but am i correct in thinking this is like an additional script which the sieve would run? So OOO would work as it does now, but just with extra features? or would it be a complete rewrite?

    Would the API stay the same (or similar?) We just spent 2 months developing and deploying an outlook plugin specifically for, used currently on ¬250 clients to manage their OOO from their Outlook 2013/16 desktops. I think I emailed you about this before christmas when I was having other issues, but you are welcome to the source code if you would like to use it or even redistribute etc.

    Also to consider, not that we use it, but would webmail like roundcube/rainloop still be able to edit OOO using sieve filters?

  4. SH repo owner

    Sieve is not going anywhere! This just adds prefilled form field with target addresses which vacation filter will “watch”.

    For example if you have aliased to it will by default autoreply “,” but if you use domain bin you can also define to reply to Still we will try to find better solution which will be more user friendly without manualy adding each address to reply to (it is standard behaviour defined by RFC). There are corner cases where autoreplies create more mess than it should, thats why it is so restricted

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