Generated DKIM records are invalid

Issue #566 resolved
Aaron created an issue

I generated a DKIM record in the Poste interface and used it to create a TXT record on my domain. After waiting for over 40 hours for the DNS record to propagate, I eventually found out that the generated record is invalid.

This is the generated record: IN TXT "k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA9azIhIvkVqsOtoRLYzZpLbV1dzfq/ZvD6hQwAbh8RFjbGyTxa3xFw990/mIcHxrckMIcwkn4DRi3FgKVilDrlHs/Ht0RjPnBF+1NtR90Iw4IoiM4JsuDamD49iZHJMzPjKMESzUAYMDw+CxDAQRKIYy73tqJWaxGPBo60aAWVcboYFhmA9SF+Mb7uoupEPa5jm8MtIccDXQ6sIQO+L7xJXetkrqS4fSsvjK2sMBgKV8AblnyWQ+Mz5bZLL3zgILsJd33sQHBu5F3fqu10Hp54Rt7v8siknUtt7bruUELajSmbrOfieKj5OCHZp6K6bWxh6/4lDUSoqX+aH1zIl8gvQIDAQAB"

It will not be found by DNS probes until it is altered as such:

s20190108225._domainkey IN TXT "k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA9azIhIvkVqsOtoRLYzZpLbV1dzfq/ZvD6hQwAbh8RFjbGyTxa3xFw990/mIcHxrckMIcwkn4DRi3FgKVilDrlHs/Ht0RjPnBF+1NtR90Iw4IoiM4JsuDamD49iZHJMzPjKMESzUAYMDw+CxDAQRKIYy73tqJWaxGPBo60aAWVcboYFhmA9SF+Mb7uoupEPa5jm8MtIccDXQ6sIQO+L7xJXetkrqS4fSsvjK2sMBgKV8AblnyWQ+Mz5bZLL3zgILsJd33sQHBu5F3fqu10Hp54Rt7v8siknUtt7bruUELajSmbrOfieKj5OCHZp6K6bWxh6/4lDUSoqX+aH1zIl8gvQIDAQAB"

Furthermore, the DKIM record itself is also not compliant with the relevant RFC standards. You need to tell the generator to add v=DKIM1 at the start of the record for the DKIM record to be valid. The final, valid DKIM record looked like this:

s20190108225._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA9azIhIvkVqsOtoRLYzZpLbV1dzfq/ZvD6hQwAbh8RFjbGyTxa3xFw990/mIcHxrckMIcwkn4DRi3FgKVilDrlHs/Ht0RjPnBF+1NtR90Iw4IoiM4JsuDamD49iZHJMzPjKMESzUAYMDw+CxDAQRKIYy73tqJWaxGPBo60aAWVcboYFhmA9SF+Mb7uoupEPa5jm8MtIccDXQ6sIQO+L7xJXetkrqS4fSsvjK2sMBgKV8AblnyWQ+Mz5bZLL3zgILsJd33sQHBu5F3fqu10Hp54Rt7v8siknUtt7bruUELajSmbrOfieKj5OCHZp6K6bWxh6/4lDUSoqX+aH1zIl8gvQIDAQAB"

The site I used to check the validity of the DKIM record:

The RFC document which states that v=DKIM1 must be present at the start of a record:

Comments (4)

  1. SB

    Generally DNS providers will include your domain.ext in the record name

    for example, the record shows the full resolution of

    But your provider will (in nearly all cases) automatically add "" to the end of what you put in your dns records name


    However I do think the generated sample should (as it does) always show the full name resolution for the removal of any doubt as to what the full record should be.

  2. SH repo owner

    @graywhale as per linked RFC, version tag is recommended not required. See gmail (In lot of cases I select settings by large mainstream providers because obviously that works...)

    $ dig +short txt
    "k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAviPGBk4ZB64UfSqWyAicdR7lodhytae+EYRQVtKDhM+1mXjEqRtP/pDT3sBhazkmA48n2k5NJUyMEoO8nc2r6sUA+/Dom5jRBZp6qDKJOwjJ5R/OpHamlRG+YRJQqR" "tqEgSiJWG7h7efGYWmh4URhFM9k9+rmG/CwCgwx7Et+c8OMlngaLl04/bPmfpjdEyLWyNimk761CX6KymzYiRDNz1MOJOJ7OzFaS4PFbVLn0m5mf0HVNtBpPwWuCNvaFVflUYxEyblbB6h/oWOPGbzoSgtRA47SHV53SwZjIsVpbq4LxUW9IxAEwYzGcSgZ4n5Q8X8TndowsDUzoccPFGhdwIDAQAB"

    As @shb1 pointed out, some providers do that automaticaly and you should not paste whole domain name. To be precise as possible there is missing dot at the end (see I've fixed that by now

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