Catch all address

Issue #71 resolved
Hendrik Roth created an issue

Hello, does provide a fetch all option? Didn't find any setting for this in the administrator interface.

Comments (11)

  1. Hendrik Roth reporter

    An email address, that accepts all incoming mails, if no address was found.

    example: sending an mail to ... but does not exist. so this email is transfered to

  2. Lednerb

    Hello, just wanted to ask how the status is here.

    I would be very glad if this functionality would be available soon!

  3. Bernhard Berger

    Is there any news on this? Would be awesome if you need real email adresses in development..

  4. Lednerb

    Hi, you can already use this feature although the docs are not updated. You have to set your catch-all address at the domain level:

    Virtual Domains -> your Domain -> Show -> Edit settings -> Domain bin

    The "Domain bin" is your catchall address.

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