Please enable option to choose TLS min versions

Issue #713 resolved
Kai Kauper created an issue


a lot of clients are complaining that since the last update they are not able to connect with client versions like iOS 9, macOS El Capitan, … (I know, they should update, but they can’t do this due to company policies)

As we have checked with on version 2.1.11. we can see that TLS 1, 1.1 and 1.2 are available. On the version 2.2.0 only TLS 1.2 is available.

We know that security is an important topic but we should be able to choose our own minimum TLS version. If you check for example on the above named site you can see, that they do still provide TLS 1, 1.1 and 1.2.

So for now, we have to stay on the older version of poste as we have to provide a working email environment for our clients with TLS 1 and 1.1. If you could give us an option to use our prefered settings, that would be amazing and absolutely necessary.


Comments (16)

  1. Scott MacDonald

    Just FYI that the update to TLS 1.2 as minimal version was identified in the changelog. I don’t disagree that it maybe best served by being a configurable option, however, being that it was identified one could conclude that before upgrading your version on the server that all clients would first be compatible.

    As an option to restore compatibility you can easily roll back to the previous version without to much difficulty.

  2. Alexander

    I’m with Kai: It' would be great to be able to select the TLS versions offered. The reason is simple: You can’t force users to update their OS Systems (Kai points out some very good reasons why) and not to be able to upgrade just because of the TLS issue is not an option.

  3. Kai Kauper reporter

    Thanks Alexander. When considering that you are a Pro user of and surely want to use many more features of newer versions, besides more security through a new minimum TLS version, it should definitely be possible to change this manually.

  4. Foddy

    I tried to replace the dovecot SSL config file in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf with the contents of the old version 2.1.11 with the following contents (I used the _override folder to replace this file inside the container):

    ssl = required
    ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/server-combined.crt
    ssl_key = </etc/ssl/server.key
    ssl_min_protocol = TLSv1
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = no
    # debug

    If I run dovecot -a inside the container it seems that the new configuration is applied. Unfortunately the server is still not offering support for older TLS versions < v1.2. Is there something or some file I forgot to change?

  5. Alexander

    Have you tried to restart the container? you could use the /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf File with the override method as described in the documentation:
    create a folder _override in your maildata directory and put your /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf (also with the folders!), so it would be: <your_maildata_directory>/_override/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf

  6. Foddy

    Thanks. I tried that and restarted the container after those changes. If I open the file inside the container under


    it seems replaced with the file in the _override folder. Unfortunately after several times restarting it is still not applied. Maybe there is another file I should replace?

  7. Kai Kauper reporter


    don’t get me wrong pushing this topic to the top again, but is it possible to get an answer if my request is possible to develop or not?
    As we are willing to pay for your service we also want to use the newest version of poste.


  8. Foddy

    Thank you very much for this. Are there any docs available for this or is this new version not published yet?

  9. SH repo owner

    Just save settings at web UI and new section at server.ini should magicaly appear:

    ; Custom settings for TLS (only Dovecot and Haraka). Be warned, mailserver can stop working with invalid settings.
    auth_required = 1
    inbound_min_version =
    inbound_ciphers =

  10. R.B


    I tried to modify it to 1.1, but it didn't seem to work as 1.1.
    Do I need to restart the server?

    ; Custom settings for TLS (only Dovecot and Haraka). Be warned, mailserver can stop working with invalid settings.
    auth_required = 1
    inbound_min_version = 1.1
    inbound_ciphers =

  11. SH repo owner

    sorry, it seems it is not documented enough

    • valid values are TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1, or TLSv1
    • TLSv1.1 is default at latest version
    • yes for any change at server.ini you should restart container

  12. R.B

    Hello there
    I have modified the version information and restarted the container, but detected that version 1.1 is still not supported,

    Is my operation correct?

    ; Custom settings for TLS (only Dovecot and Haraka). Be warned, mailserver can stop working with invalid settings.

    auth_required = 1
    inbound_min_version = TLSv1.1
    inbound_ciphers =

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