ClamAV is disabled, but I receive a lot of email errors.

Issue #737 resolved
Luca Paliotto created an issue

Hello, clamav is disabled in dockercompose file as follows:



but I am receiving an error email every hour.

I am using the latest version of, but this is happening since I installed it the first time (couple of years ago).

How can I prevent those email to be sent?

Please take a look at the screenshot:

Freshclam exited with 8 exit code, trying to remove mirrors.dat and start freshclam again. Please see /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log if it fails again.

Fri Mar 13 18:17:17 2020 -> ClamAV update process started at Fri Mar 13 18:17:17 2020 Fri Mar 13 18:17:17 2020 -> daily database available for update (local version: 25410, remote version: 25750) Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^downloadFile: file not found:

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^getpatch: Can't download daily-25411.cdiff from

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^downloadFile: file not found:

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^getpatch: Can't download daily-25411.cdiff from

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^downloadFile: file not found:

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^getpatch: Can't download daily-25411.cdiff from

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^downloadFile: file not found:

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^getpatch: Can't download daily-25411.cdiff from

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^downloadFile: file not found:

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^getpatch: Can't download daily-25411.cdiff from

Fri Mar 13 18:17:23 2020 -> ^Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd Fri Mar 13 18:17:25 2020 -> Testing database: '/data/var/clamav/tmp.b579a/clamav-dbe82f83ad2bdc1031dab51691bd8f9c.tmp-daily.cvd' ...

Fri Mar 13 18:17:31 2020 -> !Database load killed by signal 9 Fri Mar 13 18:17:31 2020 -> !Database test FAILED.

Fri Mar 13 18:17:32 2020 -> !Unexpected error when attempting to update database: daily Fri Mar 13 18:17:32 2020 -> ^fc_update_databases: fc_update_database failed: Test failed (8) Fri Mar 13 18:17:32 2020 -> !Database update process failed: Test failed (8) Fri Mar 13 18:17:32 2020 -> !Update failed.

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