Make DNSBL smarter

Issue #96 resolved
Former user created an issue
$ telnet fqdn 25
Trying IP...
Connected to fqdn.
Escape character is '^]'.

spamhaus does not allow me to send email...

Comments (18)

  1. SH repo owner

    Well it seems that your address was marked as spam source (smtp should refuse cooperate as it did), removing content from dnsbl_zones you disabled dnsbl check completely.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    So you won't change anything here? I'd rather disable dnsbl check as this makes the stack completely useless.

    Perhaps an opt-in would help. Or at least an opt-out, so i don't need to maintain my own Dockerfile.

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    To also allow normal users to do so? I tried to send an e-mail with several dynamic IPs in Germany and likely 90% failed. This is way to strict, if 90% of my normal IP addresses are blocked.

  4. SH repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Valid argument. For now its better to use /opt/qpsmtpd/config/dnsbl_allow, add your ip address/subnet in format "172.16.33."

    I will keep this issue open for voting, its not easily solvable (DNSBL is by stats far most useful spam filtering service)

  5. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    That would also require maintaining my own Dockerfile to change the content of the file. Isn't there a nicer solution? Like environment variables or a volume?

  6. SH repo owner

    create file "(" with that subnet and restart container

    (by this way you can rewrite easily any file in container)

  7. Benoît Vézina

    Same here, make me search a lot before understanding the issue

    And so strange cause I got a server working and the other give me the dnsbl error

    If you need some diff between both server, I will send you the files you want

  8. SH repo owner

    I will move dnsbl check after "MAIL FROM", dnsbl will be skipped for logged users and even some latency will be removed for proper users. It will land in next update...

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