Missing "amLocalization.Application.API" unit in the source code of version 2.0

Issue #40 resolved
Andrea created an issue


in the source package v2.0.8370.38768, I’m not able to find the source code of the unit “amLocalization.Application.API“ and the unit “VirtualTrees”, both required to compile the project.

Could you please provide these missing source units in the package?

I’m not intending to clone the project for the moment, I just want to change some minor behavior for my personal usage of the app. (“save as…” instead of a simple “save” is really bothering me 😜 )

Thank you in advance and let me thank you once more for the great work you have done.

PS. As an Italian, I’m proud that you had this moment of creativity inspired during your stay in my country! 😉

Comments (7)

  1. Anders@Melander

    Whoops; Closed too soon. I’ll see if I can add VirtualTreeview as a submodule. Otherwise, I’ll just add the units I use right now.

  2. Anders@Melander

    Give it a try now.

    I agree that it’s a bit annoying that Save… does a Save As… AFAIR I originally made it that way because I was afraid to accidentally overwrite good translations with bad ones during test. Now that things have settled I really should add a Save As… action instead.

    I’m leaving for Rome (Trastevere) next week. I’m looking forward to some good pizza and pasta - not so much the heat :-/

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