Multi line editor adds extra line feed - cannot remove

Issue #45 resolved
George Crombie created an issue

The multi line editor always adds an extra line feed at the end of any text copied or typed into the multi line edit box even if it doesn't have a line feed. You cannot see these line feeds or remove them in the multi line editor. Think this is coming from the dev express RTF control adding the line feed. I was able capture and remove (Trim) in the PostTranslationTextEdit() method before it updates the grid text.

Comments (5)

  1. Anders@Melander
    • changed status to open

    It's a bug.

    The fix is to replace EditTargetText.Lines.Text with EditTargetText.Text in PostTranslationTextEdit.

  2. Anders@Melander

    I will see if I can come up with a solution so the editor displays non-printable characters (also the grid inline editor). The poor handling of non-printable characters has always bothered me.

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