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A chat mod for PAYDAY 2 that allows running commands in the ingame chat.

Things to consider

Output for all players

Normally, command's output will be only shown to you. If you want other players in the lobby to see it too then use double control character before the command (!!hours...).

If you want to check the output before sending it to other players, use one control character and then use again command with double control character.


PowerChat2 commands are loaded into pc2 namespace. That means that if there are different commands with the same name then you can call the one you want by specifying the namespace: !pc2->count.

Legacy PowerChat commands are loaded into pc1 namespace.


After initialization, PowerChat reads autoexec.pc file located in mods/saves/ folder (if the file exists).

PowerChat mods

When it starts, PowerChat looks into PAYDAY 2/PowerChat folder and executes any load.pc files that are in its subfolders. This allows to create and load mods that only use PowerChat scripts. Lua scripts can also be used in such mods with the help of exec-lua command. These mods will not be registered in BLT.


PowerChat automatically integrates with these mods in case they are present.

PD2-Console (

  • A new PowerChat instance integrates and works in the console itself, along with the console's own input.
  • All PowerChat instances receive access to the console's commands. The commands go into dc namespace.
  • font command is added to all PowerChat instances. It changes the font size of the console to the value of the first argument or to the default value (12) if no valid argument is given. This command goes into dc_pc namespace.

Chat Command + Roll the Dice (!rtd) (

  • All PowerChat instances receive access to the mod's commands. The commands go into cc namespace.
