Client side only incompatible with Trinkets.

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

When running Mambience 4.0.2 client only and connecting to a server that uses the Trinkets mod (, the additional Trinket slots do not work. They do start working when you enter a nether portal, but as soon as you disconnect, and reconnect, the trinket slots are no longer working. Items that shift-click into the trinkets slot while the slots are missing will crash the client.

The Trinket slots do work again when adding Mambience to the server.

Comments (6)

  1. André Schweiger repo owner

    Are you sure Mambience is the cause of your issues? This mod does not touch any inventory related code so I really cannot see how it would cause issues. Even more so if adding Mambience to the server seemed to fix it as the clientside mod stays enabled and just doesn’t run the update loop in that case. Without more information I won’t be able to do much.

    As you described atleast one case of the client crashing please include an error log to aid in finding the cause.

  2. Zhyn

    Here is the crash report and log. I tested several times on a fresh server/client install only using fabric-api, cloth config, modmenu, trinkets, icarus (any mod that uses trinkets slots will have the same bug), and mambience.

    Crash report Log

    It’s just weird that running Mambience on the server seems to fix the issue, which lead me to think it was an Mambience issue. Let me know If I should report to trinkets instead.

  3. André Schweiger repo owner

    Thank you for your report.

    The issue was actually caused by how Fabric API implements resource reload listeners (for resource-/datapacks) which added them even to my custom clientside data loading code. So this issue had the possibility of affecting all kinds of other mods, not just trinkets.

    I implemented a quick fix by avoiding to call the code the API mixes into which should be available as Version 4.0.3 soon. (Once CurseForge approves the file)

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