Zernike and Bispectrum should be also added to importhelper

Issue #135 resolved
Alireza Khorshidi created an issue

Currently we have Gaussian here, but not Bispectrum and Zernike.

I guess those also should be added.

Comments (5)

  1. Muammar El Khatib

    I have added them to the __init__.py file. I am also trying to fix a TypeError that is introduced by the polynomial cutoff as implemented in branch issue66.

    Edit: The TyperError is only introduced in the Zernike descriptor.

  2. Muammar El Khatib

    Merge branch 'master' into symmetryfunctions

    • master: (26 commits) Update install instructions. Fortran version number incremented. Clean up documentation before release. Change bad label. Update docstrings for property getter/setters. Cleaning a bit docs/releasenotes.rst and docs/tensorflow.rst. Fortran cutoffs cleaned up. Attempt to fix http://amp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html. Some improvements to documentation.
    • Zernike and Bispectrum were added to importhelper. This fixes #135. - TyperError introduced by p.gamma is corrected here. Fix minimal typo in documentation.
    • In this commit, zernike and gaussian descriptors play well with fortran and python cosine and polynomal cutoffs. - Bispectrum bispectrum.py is reverted to master version for the purposes of merging. Removed uneeded printing in cutoffs.py.
    • Gaussian descriptor is working correctly both in python and fortran. - I cleaned the code a bit. Zernike is now using the fortran module correctly.
    • It turns out that functions inside the contains block in modules have to return a variable with the same name as the function so that it is globally available for external programs. Some changes to bispectrum.py to help the merging.
    • This commit fixes zernike dictionary problem. - I cleaned cutoffs.py. Easing merge from master with these changes. cutoffs.f90 is now a module. ...

    → <<cset afac4e3dca6a>>

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