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Group meeting schedule

Catalyst Design Lab and friends (PI: Andrew Peterson)

Spring 2024
Times/places listed below.

We will follow our annual spring format. Everyone presents a very short talk (max 10 min) at alternating meetings, with only 2-4 slides. These talks are meant to be free form and not strictly research updates; you can talk about something you learned in the literature or an idea you had, for instance. You should select one or two items from the following list of categories:

  • Something you learned or can teach us (e.g., a new article you found, a different technique, a software trick, etc.)
  • Something that went well (e.g., new data, a paper submitted or published, etc.)
  • Something that you got stuck on (e.g., an unforeseen hiccup in lab work, etc.)
  • An idea you had, or something you are excited to try (e.g., an idea for a new experiment, a faster way to do data analysis, ...)

Slides should be uploaded to the google drive by 3pm; we need a volunteer to bring a laptop.

We'll self-organize into two groups. Note the time is slightly off week-to-week due to room availability and travel conflicts.

Date Time/place
11-Mar 12:00, ERC 125
21-Mar 10:00, ERC 125
25-Mar (Spring break)
1-Apr 12:00, ERC 250
8-Apr 12:30, ERC 250
15-Apr 12:00, ERC 250
22-Apr 12:00, ERC 250
29-Apr 12:30, ERC 250
6-May 12:00, ERC 250
13-May (Finals - no meeting
