Design proposals

Issue #35 duplicate
Peeter Tinits created an issue

A place for discussion on design proposals.

  • Log in/ Log out, could perhaps be moved to settings with just the boxes for user details. This would just be for visual compactness, and it is a probable case, that you would want to change your user just about as often as you would change your languages. (Also this would keep the link with language proficiencies specific).

Comments (18)

  1. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Design proposal nr2

    Workflow proposals: 1st start of the program, start quick start as pop-up on top of the interface.

    2nd (and all others) start of the program: Pop-up login or the preferences menu. My proposal would be: Move login to preferences, and popup preferences on the login options. This would make it most clear to keep the settings always updated.

  2. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    @peeter_t2, it's generally a bad idea to make general issues. A developer wants to resolve issues. If there is a list of features inside features, then it requires a lot of mental work to keep track.

    Create one issue for every proposal. If there is already a similar issue, then put it there.

  3. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Yes, that depends on what this environment is for. I agree, that mostly for getting stuff solved, but keeping such an open thread will keep the proposal active, and when enough testers/designers have managed to have a look at it, it can be perhaps voted out, or voted in. It is particularly a point of this and terminology that they may not be best solved right away, but in some later time in the future. If there would be an active design wiki, perhaps we could move it there.

    At this point I think this place would be better than gmail to keep these proposals, perhaps these can be picked up in the future. I've made them so general precisely so as not to block more significant development issues. Perhaps it can stay open for issues mentioned and still to come.

  4. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    I don't want to keep an issue I can't solve.

    Just make a separate issue for every new proposal. It's easier to discuss if we are focusing on a single topic. I can also open / close it if a conclusion is reached.

  5. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Hey, Andrjus, I understand your attitude, but as I said, this is part of the development process in my opinion, and at the moment there is no good workflow to discuss these questions (keeping these types of recommendations pinned here is much more preferable to mentioning them once on our gmail list and then most probably losing them quickly forever I think). In this way the responsibility of making the decision would not be anymore on solely your shoulders. If you can I would ask you to not enforce a perfect score, but keep these two topics open. Possibly we will find a place for them in the wiki at some point if really needed.

    In the future I would expect that regular users may at some times have ideas that are not well-defined proposals or merely recommendations. Is there a place in software development where these could be placed (preferably publicly)?

  6. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    I can reopen them if you really think its best.

    I guess very vague ideas belong in a forum. It's reasonable to require some clarity from new ideas. Its easier to discuss.

    Here is how I see the workflow:

    • Someone want something implemented
    • He makes a proposal (not the same as enchantment nor bug)
    • Discussion and formulation of what actually needs to be done
    • Approve or decline from the issue tracker manager

    For example, looking back at what you proposed here, it fits perfectly under a new issue: "move log in to Preferences".

  7. Peeter Tinits reporter

    True, this thread would work best as an editable pinned wiki rather than a continuing thread. This wiki should be established at one point. For future there may be issues with access, if it's more than just me, you and Kristian posting, though these may be solved.

    Won't this idea flow actually make you more open topics? Given that you ought to keep all the ideas with the resolution "could perhaps possibly implement at one point, but not now" open - lest they be forgotten forever. Right? That is "won't implement now" isn't exactly equal to "won't implement".

    You neglect one phase at workflow: someone is unhappy with something but doesn't know how to fix it. For this point perhaps they can't be yet formulated into issues.

    But critique is taken, perhaps you can move them to the wiki area? This way you could set it up just the way you want it.

    More important than being clean, I think this environment would have to work to not lose any information. In this sense, you are right, it is probably last minute now to migrate these issues to a wiki because if you just close them, they will never be heard of again (and even the author, me, will be unaware that they are gone).

  8. Andrjus Frantskjavitsius repo owner

    Yes, this workflow will indeed make more topics for me. But I better have 10 quick topics that I can resolve, than 2 from which one takes me half a month and one that I would I could start working on but some of the aspects are not decides yet. The the end result is just more clear.

    There is an option to mark something as "on hold". It a good way of keeping something open but not forgetting about it.

    If someone is unhappy then he should be able to formulate why he is unhappy. This goes under proposal.

    I created an issue from this one (Duplicate of #36).

  9. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Ok, bitbucket is new to me, so perhaps all I had in mind is included in notes like "on hold", you decide, let's see how it goes.

  10. Kristian K

    Peeter --- why don't you make a page on the wiki for this kind of discussions? I agree with Andrjus, that the code repositorium's Issues page is for concrete things to be done and solved or not be done and put away.

    Design and long-running stuff should be kept somewhere else.

  11. Peeter Tinits reporter

    Oh, yes, sorry, we continued some of this conversation by e-mail I think, I've created the page, where I just copied all the near-relevant stuff from these pages. I don't have time to properly format it at the moment though, so it's not meant to be public yet except for us for now. Have a look if you will!

  12. Kristian K

    I'm curious about what's the difference between "it's not meant to be public yet" versus having it public in opened issues here?

  13. Peeter Tinits reporter

    I meant that it just doesn't look nice, so I haven't linked it to the front page of minority translate (it eventualy should I guess). Yes, why not it can be public too, but it's gonna look very unprofessional. If anyone has time to format it, it will probably be easy to do. It can also be linked in its current state too, why not.

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