Visual representation of VERIFIED vs INVALID IPNs.

Issue #10 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

Looking at the data in the system I can't tell if PayPal's system verified the data or not. We need to come up with some way of highlighted invalid IPN's.

From the list view, we could highlight them red or orange for a warning, and then inside the details we could also provide "Verified" or "Invalid" as an additional piece of data.

This is completely separate from the payer_status that is included with the IPN data, so don't get that confused.

Comments (13)

  1. jignesh kaila

    I will add new column in list view like "Transaction status", if PayPal's system verified then I display "Verified" otherwise I display "Invalid" with red color is it right?

    also I add this status in transaction details.

    Please correct me if i am wrong?

  2. jignesh kaila

    I have worked on this please review it by this url: Page url

    Also I have create new branch like "Issue-10" for it and uploaded lasted code to "Issue-10" branch and our demo server. Currently I started working on "#11: Add RAW dump of IPN data".

    Can you please assign the issues priority so I can work accordingly.

  3. Drew Angell reporter

    Actually, make it say "IPN Status" instead of "Transaction Status". Also, the IPN status should be verified in almost all cases, so I don't think we need to waste column space to display it on the list. We can still highlight the row red if it is invalid, and we can still display the IPN Status within the details screen of an IPN, but we don't need to use a column for it on the list. Does that make sense?

  4. Drew Angell reporter

    When I click your "Page url" link I get an internal server error and it won't load.

    I'll go back through the priorities on the issues and get them setup how I want. I'll probably end up with quite a few that are "minor" so you can do those in any order you feel comfortable. Just stick to the 1.0 milestone list. Everything on that list will need to be done before I'm ready to release this plugin.


  5. jignesh kaila

    Yes this make sense. I will remove transaction status column and I will make highlight the row red if it is invalid, and also I will display the IPN status within detail screen.

    please let me know if any.

  6. jignesh kaila

    I have done with remove transaction status column and make highlight the row red if it is invalid, and also I have done to display the IPN status within detail screen.

    I have push it on Issue-10 branch.

  7. Drew Angell reporter

    I just pulled the changes in the Issue-10 branch and uploaded them to my server. I'm not seeing the changes, though..?? I did a fresh test from the PayPal IPN Simulator as well as another fresh test from my own simulator (which would result in an invalid IPN since it didn't come from PayPal) but it's not getting highlighted, and I don't see the IPN Status displayed in the transaction details at all..??

  8. jignesh kaila

    Yes, you are right.

    Paypal IPN Simulator response always come up with valid status. and Regarding your own simulator we need to change some IPN request variable value like "address_street", I mean we need to put own value.

    I used my own IPN simulator : , Please download ZIP file and extract pay.php file and change "$paypal_url" as per domain name.

    I have checked Invalid request using my script. Please use our script and let me know your thoughts for the same.

    Hope this make sense.

  9. Drew Angell reporter

    Well, this is interesting. I just logged back in to my WP for the first time since I was playing with this the other day and now the test I had done at that time is indeed highlighted red. Your simulator here is the same thing I did, and now any test that isn't from PayPal is highlighting for me, so I must have had a caching issue going on or something.

  10. Drew Angell reporter

    This has now been merged into the development branch so you can fetch and merge into your local branches as necessary.

  11. jignesh kaila

    Yes, you are right. this must be caching issued, because highlighted red use css so should check after clear your browser caching.

    Also I have fetched latest code from development branch and merge into my local branches.

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