Add RAW dump of IPN data.

Issue #11 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

Need to add a completely raw dump of the IPN that gets sent for review purposes.

The way I did this in my original template was to simply save the $_POST array, serialized, to a field in the database. Then I could pull it back out, unserialize it, and display it for easy reading. For example...

echo '<pre />'; print_r(unserialize($ipn_data_serialized));

That way we'll end up with something like this:

We could just go ahead and add "ipn_data_serialized" as an additional meta field in the IPN records, and then maybe a link that brings up a lightbox to display the raw data..?? I'll let you help me decide the best way to present that.

Comments (10)

  1. jignesh kaila

    I have added meta box( without light-box ) for displaying raw dump array to bottom of the detail screen.

    Regarding light box I will think on later after completed all the issue(1,10,11,12,13) related to Build Basic IPN Functionality.

    Currently I am thinking Issue #13 "When viewing the details of an IPN record I can change values and update the post. This needs to be eliminated so that the details page is a read-only view of the data."

    Based on that we may remove editable field interface and make simple table view. and last row is "raw dump" it's value only "view dump data" link, when user click on we display completely raw dump of the IPN in light-box.

    I recommend, light box interface not good for wordpress admin area. I have used and developed many plugins but I have never seen light box interface in wordpress admin side. if you want I can do this...:) Please let me know

    I have push it on Issue-11 branch.

    let me know your suggestion.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    That sounds just fine. I'm open to your suggestion on that.

    I'm running into a merge conflict when I try to merge this branch into my local dev branch.

    <<<<<<< HEAD
                    add_filter( 'post_class', array( __CLASS__, 'paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_post_class_representation' ), 10, 3 );
                    add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( __CLASS__, 'paypal_ipn_for_wordpress_add_meta_boxes_ipn_data_serialized' ), 31 );
    >>>>>>> origin/Issue-11

    Looking at the commit info it seems that the post_class filter has been removed. Is that accurate? Should I just remove that to resolve my merge conflict, or does that actually need to stay?

  3. Drew Angell reporter

    Still struggling to get this one merged for some reason.

    Please fetch and merge the development branch to get your local development branch updated. It now includes the updates from #10. Then get that merged into the Issue-11 branch for me, please.

    Not exactly sure why I'm running into a problem here, but I'm just trying to keep everything that the merge conflict is finding and it's not working out for me.

  4. Drew Angell reporter

    This update does look good by itself, so I'm ready to merge it and close it, but I'm running into that conflict and I'm really not sure why. I can see from the commit that there were only a few updates for this issue. Doesn't seem like a tough conflict to resolve, but I'm running into strange PHP errors when I simply keep everything that the merge conflict is showing me.

    Please give it a shot and let me know if you have troubles.

  5. jignesh kaila

    I have pull latest code from development branch and merge to issue-11 branch.

    I have resolve the issue and push to issue-11 branch.

    Please review it and let me know if any.

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