Dashboard Icon Not Showing Up

Issue #30 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

The path to the PayPal icon we're using for the Dashboard icon is /wp-content/plugins/paypal-ipn-for-wordpress/admin/images/paypal-ipn-for-wordpress-icon.png

When I submitted the plugin to WordPress, though, I had to use paypal-ipn for the name, so when you install the plugin it gets installed to /plugins/paypal-ipn/ instead of /paypal-ipn-for-wordpress.

As such, this icon is not showing up for us. Not sure why we used a hard-coded path here..?? Need to get it adjusted. (/admin/partials/class-paypal-ipn-for-wordpress-post-types.php, Line 119)

Comments (4)

  1. Drew Angell reporter

    Sometimes people do change the names of their plugin directories, so I'd like to try and make that portion of the icon path dynamic if we can..??

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