Sandbox Flag

Issue #33 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

I'd like to add an icon or some sort of a label on IPN records that came from the sandbox so that you can easily tell them apart when looking at the dashboard.

I'd also like to be able to filter live vs sandbox transactions.

Comments (18)

  1. jignesh kaila

    Here I am little bit confused, you want to new filter like "Show all Transaction types" for transaction mode( sandbox, live) and add new column name like transaction mode value like sandbox and live right?

    Please confirm my understanding and let me know for the same.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    I guess what I'm thinking is that we could filter Sandbox vs. Live transactions via drop downs the same way we're currently doing with transaction type and payment status.

    On that note, do we need the drop down filter for transaction type anymore? Seems redundant since we have the filter links across the top..??

  3. jignesh kaila

    I think transaction type filter is not required because we already provide filter across the top filter link.

    So can I remove transaction type filter and put new filter Sandbox vs. Live transactions via drop downs?

  4. jignesh kaila

    Hello Andrew,

    I am stuck with this issue, Actually wordpress not allow to custom query or not allow to modified search query when we used query data from meta table, tomorrow I will try my best to find some suitable solution for Sandbox vs. Live transactions filter.

    if you have any suggestion please let me know.

  5. Drew Angell reporter

    I guess I don't understand why this would be any different than any other data parameter we're using for filters..??

  6. jignesh kaila

    Sandbox vs. Live transactions filter is different from other filter, transaction type filter used categories value and payment status filter used post_status value. basically wordpress allow to filter and modified query based on categories value and post_status value but now allowed filter on post_meta value.

    Sandbox vs. Live transactions value I have stored in post_mata table so I not find any trick to filter that query base on post_mata value.

    Now I trying to find any other solution to achieve Sandbox vs. Live transactions task.

  7. Drew Angell reporter

    Here's what a buddy of mine had to say about it...

    [1:17:05 AM] Cole Turner: ya, you can always add extra 'buttons' in that area... and have a button that acts like a toggle. [1:17:06 AM] Cole Turner: Or a select, that acts like a toggle... [1:17:09 AM] Cole Turner: anyways... [1:17:30 AM] Cole Turner: when the page loads, you can pass url variable like ? &ae_sort_by_meta=XYZ. [1:17:43 AM] Andrew Angell: Jignesh is saying that our other filters are working based on categories or post status, but he can't filter based on a custom meta field [1:17:48 AM] Andrew Angell: or at least is struggling to [1:17:51 AM] Cole Turner: then on your PRE posts query Hook, you'd add in the meta part to the query if it saw that variable in the url. [1:18:00 AM] Cole Turner: got me? [1:18:09 AM] Cole Turner: I'm doing that in the Offers plugin where we filter by 'author'. [1:18:20 AM] Cole Turner: do a quick search in teh admin class for 'author'.

  8. Drew Angell reporter

    Was this completed? I see that you committed changes but I'm not seeing any highlights for my sandbox transactions..??

  9. jignesh kaila

    I am done with this issue and push to development branch.

    Please Note: please check after your clear browser cache. because sandbox highlight used css.

  10. Drew Angell reporter

    Yellow highlights are working on all transactions except for the masspay type.

    Filter seems to be working fine as long as there are records to return, but in the case of, where there are no live transactions at all, when I try to filter by live I end up with a sql error.

    WordPress database error: [Not unique table/alias: 'aewp_postmeta']
    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT aewp_posts.ID FROM aewp_posts INNER JOIN aewp_postmeta ON ( aewp_posts.ID = aewp_postmeta.post_id )LEFT JOIN aewp_postmeta ON aewp_posts.ID = aewp_postmeta.post_id WHERE 1=1 AND aewp_posts.post_type = 'paypal_ipn' AND (aewp_posts.post_status = 'publish' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'adaptive_paments' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'billing_agreements' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'mass_payments' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'merchant_payments' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'not-available' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'orders' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'other' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'recurring_payments' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'recurring_payments_p' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'refund' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'subscriptions' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'subscription_payment' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'shopping_cart' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'accepted-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'countered-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'on-hold-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'expired-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'buyercountered-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'completed-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'declined-offer' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'future' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'draft' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'pending' OR aewp_posts.post_status = 'private') AND ( ( aewp_postmeta.meta_key = 'test_ipn' AND CAST(aewp_postmeta.meta_value AS CHAR) = '0' ) ) GROUP BY aewp_posts.ID ORDER BY aewp_posts.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 20
  11. jignesh kaila

    I try with every possible case regarding wordpress database error but not find any proper reason for database error.

    This task is working fine on my localhost as well development server.

    Please check below url: Username: admin Password: thinker99

    regarding masspay type ipn response not provide "test_ipn" parameter to identify sandbox or live transaction but other txn_type provide "test_ipn" parameter.

    Also if possible please provide ftp detail for find database query conflict with other plugin.

    Please let me know your suggestion for the same.

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