WordPress Shortcodes

Issue #34 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

Add shortcodes so that people can easily display IPN transactions in their own pages or posts. Here's a thread where a guy is asking about this feature and provides a sample of what he's wanting.

I'm thinking we could have a shortcode that outputs a list of the IPN transactions, and maybe accepts a parameter for how many of the most recent IPN's you'd like to include in the output.

Also another shortcode to output IPN data for a given transaction ID.

Comments (11)

  1. jignesh kaila

    Today I have started work on this ticket, below are shortcode example to used for display PayPal IPN listening.

    [paypal_ipn_list txn_type="" payment_status="" limit="" field1="txn_id" filed2="invoice" filed3="payment_date" field4="first_name" field5="last_name" field6="mc_gross" field7="txn_type" filed8="payment_status"]

    let me know your suggestion for the same.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    I guess this shortcode would be used to display multiple IPN records at once..?? And then setting the different fields would make it only return those fields which I include..??

    That would be good, yes, but then I think we should also add another shortcode where they can display individual transaction data if they want to. For example, I might pass in a transaction ID and I just want that one transaction to be returned in a nicely formatted display table. Or, I could also specify the transaction ID and the exact field I want to pull, so if I wnat to only display the "first name" of a particular transaction I could do that.

    Does that make sense?

  3. jignesh kaila

    Yes it make sense.

    below are shortcodes:

    Shortcode for PayPal IPN listing

    [paypal_ipn_list field1="txn_id" field2="invoice" field3="payment_date" field4="first_name" field5="last_name" field6="mc_gross" field7="txn_type" field8="payment_status"]

    limit="" [here user can add any digit, otherwise by default 10 transaction will display]

    txn_type="" [add any transaction type e.g: 'cart' or 'subscr_payment' otherwise we consider as all txn_type data ]

    payment_status="" [add any payment_status e.g: 'Completed' or 'Pending' otherwise we consider as all payment_status data]

    Also add field1="any ipn response field name" field2="any ipn response field name" ....

    Shortcode for single transaction

    [paypal_ipn_transaction txn_id="05G68101PJ022154L" field1="txn_id" filed2="invoice" filed3="payment_date" field4="first_name" field5="last_name" field6="mc_gross" field7="txn_type" filed8="payment_status"]

    txn_id="" [here user will add transaction id] same as field1, field2....

  4. jignesh kaila

    I am done with this issue and push to development branch. please review it and let me know any suggestion on this issue.

  5. Drew Angell reporter

    I like the paypal_ipn_list shortcode a lot. The individual transaction data isn't what I was wanting, though.

    What I was thinking of was a way to grab individual field values at a time so that people could display it any way they want on a page. For example, if they wanted to create a page that said "Hi, {first_name} {last_name}" using the IPN data. So the shortcode itself in this case would output nothing but the value of that 1 field.

    So using that example, it might look like this...

    Hi, [paypal_ipn_data txn_id="7EY918813N481574L" field="first_name"] [paypal_ipn_data txn_id="7EY918813N481574L" field="last_name"]

    That way people could build pages to look however they want and they could pick and choose individual field values to display within their own page design.

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