PHP notices when upgrading to 1.0.3

Issue #36 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

When I run the update to 1.0.3 I end up with a PHP notice

Notice: Use of undefined constant PIW_PLUGIN_BASENAME - assumed 'PIW_PLUGIN_BASENAME' in /home/angelley/sandbox_woocommerce/wp-content/plugins/paypal-ipn-for-wordpress-mailchimp/admin/class-paypal-ipn-for-wordpress-mailchimp-admin.php on line 86

I think we just need to make sure we're always checking if a value exists before attempting to use it. Seems to be fine after I get into the plugin from that point, but I like to avoid PHP notices as much as possible, of course.

Comments (5)

  1. jignesh kaila

    For this issue I need to change on "PayPal IPN for WordPress - MailChimp" , so I will create new ticket/issue on "PayPal IPN for WordPress - MailChimp" repo.

    Also I will make sure always checking if a value exists before attempting to use it on "PayPal IPN for WordPress" repo.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    I didn't test this thoroughly because I don't have an update to do it with, but am trusting the adjustments for now.

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