Conflict with Angell EYE Activation plugin.

Issue #39 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

My sandbox PayPal account is configured to hit the IPN plugin setup at, and this has been working just fine for a while now.

Just now I was testing a reference transaction to see how it shows up in there, but the IPN wasn't showing up for me.

Then I noticed that the last IPN that does show up in my dashboard is from 2/4/15, and I've had quite a few IPNs get sent since then, including one for the reference transaction I just ran that never showed up.

I checked the PayPal IPN History,though, and it's showing a successful 200 OK response as if it sent the IPN and the script completed successfully, but again, I'm not seeing any data since 2/4/15.

Also, no IPNs since then are showing up in my log file either. No idea why this would be happening..??

Comments (10)

  1. Drew Angell reporter

    I think I saw somewhere before that we're actually hard-coding an HTTP 200 response back to PayPal's IPN server. This could be causing PayPal's IPN system to think the script ran successfully when it really didn't, and I'm thinking that must be what we have going on here.

    We need to make sure we're allowing the script to send the result back to PayPal based on what actually happens. This way, if the IPN fails for any reason, PayPal's system will resend it until it does get a 200 result back naturally.

  2. Drew Angell reporter

    Ok, this is interesting. I was looking at my RAW server logs to try and find a PHP error that was happening to cause the IPNs not to be working. I didn't see anything in my logs regarding my IPN URL, so that was confusing, but I was seeing a bunch of hits to angelleye-activation even though I wasn't playing with it at the moment.

    I disabled the Angell EYE Activation plugin, and then I triggered the IPNs again and they worked just fine. That also makes sense that my IPNs stopped on 2/4 because that's when I started playing with the Activation plugin and I've had it enabled ever since.

    So, it seems we have some sort of a conflict with the Activation plugin being enabled along with the IPN plugin. Definitely need to get this worked out.

  3. jignesh kaila

    Yes, you are right it's conflict with angell-eye-activation-plugin, I will work on this by tomorrow and let you know for the same.

  4. jignesh kaila

    I tried everything with possible cases to find out problem. Finally I got success to find actual problem. It is "Angell EYE Activation" plugin have same priority hooks. So the hooks should be low priority compare to "PayPal IPN for WordPress" plugin.

    I have push latest code to issue #39 for your review.

    Please Note: When you test this issue, please get pull "Angell EYE Activation" for issue #7.

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