paypal_ipn directory

Issue #92 closed
Mansoor Khan created an issue


Can you please take a look at following thread and let me know if we have some solution to this.


Comments (11)

  1. Tejas Mehta

    @angelleye @olivergreen

    We are not generating directory with paypal_ipn name But it is our custom post type for plugin. so I think custom post types show up as directories in the WP URL structure

  2. Tejas Mehta

    @angelleye @olivergreen

    It is not issue, It comes when search engine is indexing the site or crawling the site. Sometimes our site url in the wordpress is like and it is considering as directory name. In our case, paypal_ipn is custom post type. and because of that crawlers may be showing them as directory.

    We can remove that by adding special code in the wordpress plugin file / functions.php page

    function noindex_for_paypal_ipn()
        if ( is_singular( 'paypal_ipn' ) ) {
            echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow">';
    add_action('wp_head', 'noindex_for_paypal_ipn');

    Alternatively, you can make a robots.txt file at the base of your domain which tells them also not to index said page (crawlers are supposed to look for this file):

    User-agent: * Disallow: /paypal_ipn

  3. Mansoor Khan reporter


    Thanks for the clarification. The reply is sent to the client, will post here again if there will be any questions.

  4. Drew Angell repo owner

    @tejasm_itpath Isn't that noindexz-for_paypal_ipn() function something we should just be doing within the plugin core files? We never want that data being crawled or indexed at all, and in fact, it would be best to make those URLs not show up at all publicly.

  5. Drew Angell repo owner

    Would you agree that it makes sense to do so? If so, go ahead and do that in this issue please.

  6. Drew Angell repo owner

    @kcppdevelopers Please see my comments in #93. I'm curious if this is a better overall solution to avoid a bunch of 404's showing up in Google Webmaster Tools..?? Or even some other way to fix this with post type attributes in WP or something like that..??

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