IPN data is getting indexed by search engines..??

Issue #93 closed
Drew Angell repo owner created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Drew Angell reporter

    @kcppdevelopers I'm actually a little curious about this method of resolving the issue. By redirecting everything to a 404, Google index spiders would end up seeing a bunch of 404 Not Found pages on your site which would not look good in Google Webmaster Tools.

    Is there some other way to resolve this? I was thinking it would be something simple like adding or adjusting one of the attributes included with register_post_type()..?? Isn't there some simple way to tell WP not to allow public access or indexing of a particular post type?

  2. Pp Dev

    @angelleye we have already added 'public' => false, parameter when we register register custom post type. now PayPal IPN data is private data and google will not index that post data.

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