Version 1.1.1 Breaks WP Admin Browser

Issue #96 closed
Patrick Seelinger created an issue

After Updating to 1.1.1, the browser for looking at the IPN data breaks (shown in the attached picture). After doing some digging, we figured out it's an issue with the transaction date setting function. Here's the error:

Uncaught Exception: DateTimeZone::__construct(): Unknown or bad timezone (UTC+0) 

Changing line 653 from

if ( 0 == $current_offset )
                $tzstring = 'UTC+0';


if ( 0 == $current_offset )
                $tzstring = 'UTC';

Seems to fix it.

Comments (9)

  1. Drew Angell repo owner

    @patrickseelinger Can you let me know what version of PHP you are running? I am not seeing this on my sites.

  2. Pp Dev

    @angelleye We have used Timezone value from WP general setting but 'UTC+0' value is not support DateTimeZone PHP class, now I have changed logic and it will working well.

  3. Drew Angell repo owner

    @patrickseelinger I'll be pushing a 1.1.2 update to fix this soon. Thanks for the feedback!

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