Unicode path save/loading

Issue #84 resolved
Angus Yeh repo owner created an issue

Loading of 'current directory' seems to fail when the path name contains strange characters (eg. the degree superscript circle in this case).

see ui_main_window.py, loadSettings(), wd = str(s.value("current_directory", "").toString()).

I might be able to try/except here. But maybe there is a better way to support unicode or things like that?

Comments (2)

  1. Angus Yeh reporter

    Fix Issue #84 of failed to load strange path, now fail safe whole settings loading.

    TODO: improve the setting loading and inform user what's wrong. Or even solve the unicode path issue.

    → <<cset 5ce05075aad3>>

  2. Angus Yeh reporter

    Fix Issue #84 of failed to load strange path, now fail safe whole settings loading.

    TODO: improve the setting loading and inform user what's wrong. Or even solve the unicode path issue.

    → <<cset 5ce05075aad3>>

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