404 Not Found error for Anime Update and Delete Methods

Issue #101 invalid
ian carlo perez created an issue


Im having trouble with the update and delete methods because it keeps returning a 404 NOT FOUND error even though I follow all the instruccions. Attached here are the photos showing my configuration.

Thanks in advanced

Comments (4)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal


    I removed one of your images because the basic header was visible...NEVER display it! I recommend to change your password because everyone can acces your account with that code.

    Update: It looks like the /web/app.php/ doesn't allow any other request than GET.

  2. Michael Johnson

    Your issue is stemming from using IIS for the project. Symfony doesn't have IIS rules in place by default to handle all the rewriting of non-Apache servers.

    I suggest following the steps on this instruction document from the "Configuring the Web Server" step. It documents how to set up IIS on Azure to work with Symfony applications.

    Also, I highly suggest changing your account password. Basic authentication is just a simple encoding method, and login information is basically plain text. If you do have to post an image in the future showing headers and such, make sure to edit out the authentication header.

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