"Full story" (anime) relationship is not available

Issue #118 closed
sugar created an issue

Hello, i found that this api does not provide "full story" relationship.


The full story anime_id is 12549. But the api have no "12549" on the result.


Comments (3)

  1. Michael Johnson

    Original API 1.0 doesn't support that relation type, and we haven't revisited relations yet.

    We'll likely introduce a new relations section in the response for API 2.2 and deprecate the old individual relations so we can handle all kinds of relationship types.

    I will need to check why it isn't being placed in "other", where relations not explicitly defined should be placed.

  2. Michael Johnson

    As of commit ddbccea I can verify that the title now shows under "other" in the response. Additionally, it shows with the correct relation type in the new relations section for API 2.2 (still being developed).

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