Authentication required for ?

Issue #129 invalid
kaithar created an issue

Quick bit of clarification, if you could. suggests it's possible to use it to check out the API returns but it gives a permission denied. Am I using the wrong URL or is it actually needed to have a login to access it? I tried to look it up but wasn't having any luck finding a definitive answer one way or the other.

I'm trying to request, for example,

If auth is indeed needed, could a note perhaps be made somewhere? More obvious?

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Johnson

    The message hasn't been updated in a while. Due to abuse, access to the API calls themselves are restricted. You're free to run your own instance, or, if you cannot for some reason, contact me directly to discuss gaining access.

    (Marking as invalid as this is not an issue with the API code. If you need to discuss this more, please message me directly.)

  2. kaithar reporter

    Yeah, that figures :( What's the best way to contact you?

    To be honest, running my own instance would be massively overkill for my purpose. I want to write a simple plugin for my static site gen tool so that I can stick a tag in with the MAL id of an anime and when the render is run it'll put in the details of the anime in to the html output. Given I'd be caching the json to speed up subsequent runs, the amount of calls would be silly low for a full instance but running one on demand only would be an equally big headache. I could probably throw together a hacky scraper using Beautiful Soup but I prefer using existing APIs when they're available.

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