Installation and Configuration

Issue #37 invalid
Tsugumi Harudori created an issue

If it is possible, it would be great to have a detailed guidance for different deployment scenarios like local server(especially iis), azure and so on. I want to deploy my api instance somewhere, but I don't understand it's deployment process at all. ;(

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Johnson

    Well, each environment is different, so a detailed guide would be quite long and also go out of date quickly or miss some pet system that someone wants. Also, we don't know and aren't masters of all the different systems out there. For instance, I've never personally used Azure. (I'm quite familiar with Linux, Apache on OS X, and even PHP under IIS.)

    However, as long as you can use Composer in the target environment to install dependencies, or use it locally then upload all the code, you should be okay. Aside from that, it's plain PHP. The link Ratan posted does give information for both Azure and even Heroku. For using Composer, follow the link in the file and there's a good guide for Composer on Windows, OS X and Linux.

    If you have a specific need, please do ask, but understand that we can't give perfect advice about platforms we've never used.

  2. Tsugumi Harudori reporter

    Could you please explain me how to deploy this api on IIS? Assume that I have fresh installed Windows 8.1 which has IIS out of the box and I don't know anything about PHP at all.

  3. Michael Johnson

    I'll assume that this is for a local install, since IIS on desktop SKUs is seriously restricted. For local tests, I'd actually recommend using PHP's built-in server. Details on how to start it up are explained in the Symfony documentation.

    If you want to install under IIS, please keep in mind that you'll need to do a bit of work as Symfony URLs rely heavily on mod_rewrite.

    You'll probably want to start off grabbing the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. You'll also want to get PHP set up under IIS. Go over to to get the PHP installer for the Web Platform.

    Once you have PHP installed, follow the instructions over at the Symfony Trac Wiki on Symfony on IIS for how to set up the rewrites using IIS.

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