?mine=1 is broken

Issue #50 resolved
James created an issue

It appears that MyAnimeList have updated the website and the ?mine=1 function to check the current watch status, episodes watched and score appears to be broken. The true values no longer show up. This is with the latest version.

{"id":24227,"title":"Nisekoi OVA","other_titles":{"japanese":["\u30cb\u30bb\u30b3\u30a4 OVA"]},"rank":663,"popularity_rank":1141,"image_url":"http:\/\/cdn.myanimelist.net\/images\/anime\/2\/71754.jpg","type":"OVA","episodes":3,"status":"finished airing","start_date":"Fri Oct 03 12:00:00 -0400 2014","end_date":"Fri Apr 03 12:00:00 -0400 2015","classification":"PG-13 - Teens 13 or older","members_score":7.89,"members_count":28548,"favorited_count":31,"synopsis":"Three unaired episodes, released on DVDs, bundled with the 14th, 16th, and 17th volumes of the <em>Nisekoi<\/em> manga.<br><br> \nVol. 14: released on October 3, 2014; the episode adapts chapter 58 \"Funshitsu\" and chapter 64 \"Mikosan\"<br> \nVol. 16: released on February 4, 2015; the episode adapts chapter 65 \"Henbou\" and chapter 71 \"Oshigoto\"<br> \nVol. 17: released on April 3, 2015; the episode adapts chapter 81 \"Sentou\" and chapter 105.5 \"Service\"","genres":["Comedy","Romance","Shounen","Harem"],"tags":[],"manga_adaptations":[{"manga_id":"31499","title":"Nisekoi","url":"http:\/\/myanimelist.net\/manga\/31499\/Nisekoi"}],"prequels":[{"anime_id":"18897","title":"Nisekoi","url":"http:\/\/myanimelist.net\/anime\/18897\/Nisekoi"}],"sequels":[{"anime_id":"27787","title":"Nisekoi:","url":"http:\/\/myanimelist.net\/anime\/27787\/Nisekoi:"}],"side_stories":[],"parent_story":null,"character_anime":[],"spin_offs":[],"summaries":[],"alternative_versions":[],"watched_status":null,"watched_episodes":0,"score":null,"listed_anime_id":null}

Here is the current status:

Comments (3)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal

    Which API version are you using?

    It is working fine here so I do not know what the problem could be. I actually found some login bugs that I just fixed c34c897 & 83267c3.

  2. Ratan Dhawtal

    Oh yes I forgot that you are running it on your own server. Recently MAL changed their login methods causing problems. After you apply fix 0182fbd or a664110 to your server you should clear the cache. I reccomend you to clear the cache after every update to be 100% sure that there isn't any stuff left that could lead to problems.

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