Anime Relationship Parsing Issues

Issue #51 resolved
Michael Johnson created an issue

It looks like some of the relationship parsing is broken. This part of the code should be examined and updated.

Example title:

The prequel item doesn't show up in the API output.

Comments (3)

  1. Ratan Dhawtal

    on line 299:

    $relateditems = explode(', ', $relateditems[1]);

    Sequel: High School DxD New: Oppai, Tsutsumimasu! It could be because the "," character ^^

    This issue will probably will apply on all references with this kind of characters. Could you take care of this since I do not know how I could handle this the finest way.

  2. Michael Johnson reporter

    Not sure there will be an easy way to handle this offhand, but I'm sure an alternate method to break things apart can be found.

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