JSON examples

Issue #58 new
Toco Toucan created an issue

I think it will be extremely useful to have 100% filled JSON example for each endpoint which returns content(properly formatted dummy data). It can be used for generating classes using services like json2csharp. Using this service with real anime from MAL gives me class with a lot of variables of type object or List<object> (thanks to empty fields and empty arrays in JSON). Could you please add JSON examples?

Comments (5)

  1. Michael Johnson

    As an update, this will probably be done along with the upcoming unit test coverage or near to it.

  2. Toco Toucan reporter

    Is it any new info related to my request? As far as I know, you have already created unit tests.

  3. Ratan Dhawtal

    I saw your comment yesterday.

    The other dev is currently kinda busy with his personal life but if he really can't do it I will take care of it.

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