Include external links section for manga/anime

Issue #61 resolved
Nick Chang created an issue

You have to be logged in to see it, but at the very bottom of the anime/manga page, there is a section for external links.

It contains some really useful information to connect with other services. So far I've found these types of links:

  • Wikipedia
  • AniDB
  • MangaUpdates
  • Official Site
  • AnimeNewsNetwork

They don't appear user editable, so I'm pretty sure the types of links are limited. Ideally the API would return json like this, where links with IDs spit them out nice and neat:

  "official_site": "url",
  "wikipedia": "url",
  "anidb": {
    "id": "id",
    "url": "url"
  "ann": {
    "id": "id",
    "url": "url"

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