What error codes are being used?

Issue #65 resolved
Andy Ibanez created an issue

Apologies for asking this as an issue, but I couldn't find a better way.

I'm writing a wrapper for MAL, and I need to know what error codes the HTTP codes are.

So far, I'm assuming you use 401 for Unauthorized, 403 for Forbidden. Is this right? The Not Found one is 404 as expected, like mentioned in the documentation.

I'd also like to know what code you use for Network Error. I was thinking it was either 520, 598, or 599.

I need to know what the codes are so my wrapper can respond to errors appropriately. Thanks!

Comments (4)

  1. Toco Toucan

    Снимок экрана (32).png

    If you want to know exact error codes, you can send request to each endpoint using Fiddler and investigate response headers. Or you can try to read source code.

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